7 Ways to ease anxiety

Paul: So here’s an interesting article prepared by Natures Plus  UK relating to the massive issue of stress. It’s worth a read, see what you think…

We are living through unprecedented times.

Feeling jittery and nervous is thoroughly understandable at this point. But never finding the off switch turns worry into anxiety, the body’s fight-or-flight response to a perceived threat. And extended periods of anxiety can, among other things, weaken your immune system.

Fortunately, there are techniques you can use to calm your qualms before they run away with you.

 Take a Breath

Start by tuning into your physical response and taking some deep breaths. Most of the relaxation we get from breathing comes on the exhale. Controlled breathing can activate the calming part of the nervous system, which in turn slows the stress response.

Try it by taking in a deep breath, exhaling slowly while imagining that you are exhaling out your worries. You can even say “Ahhhhh” as you do it.

Turn on the Tunes

Mellow music can keep the body from going into fear mode, while upbeat rhythms can shift one’s energy from uptight to fun and motivated, even celebratory. The key is to pick sounds and songs that you appreciate and enjoy. Tuning into music with binaural beats, the sounds created by playing two different frequencies at the same time. Such music prompts relaxing brainwave changes.

Check out the playlists found on many streaming music services, including Apple Music and Spotify, or the free recordings on YouTube.

Get Moving

Moving your body can also move your mood. Numerous studies have found that exercise and motion help manage anxiety. Simple stretching exercises like reaching out wide with your arms can counter the normal tendency to shrink and hide when you are anxious. The slow, deliberate movements in tai chi and yoga encourage deep breathing and focus, while aerobic exercise, such as a brisk walk or jog, can decrease tension levels, stabilize mood and improve sleep.

Write It Out

Clearing some of the mental clutter by writing out your concerns can be a good way to limit the power of anxiety-producing thoughts. Research has shown that pouring your emotions out on a page for about 20 minutes a day can be effective.

Chew Gum

Can a square of bubble gum help settle your nerves? Research indicates it might.

In one study, participants were asked to chew gum twice a day for 14 days and then report on their mood and fatigue levels; their results were compared to those of a group that didn’t chew. The chewers were significantly less anxious and fatigued than the non-chewers, according to results published.

It hasn’t been determined why the benefits of gum chewing were so pronounced; researchers speculate that it was perhaps the chewing process, the sensory experience of the flavour and texture.

Give It A Name

When caught up in nervous feelings it’s easy to begin ruminating; as emotions intensify, anxiety can then run away with your thoughts. But we can rein in those feelings by giving them a name. It was found that labelling emotions helps your brain assign meaning to feelings. That process helps you appraise the situation; you may realize that you’re not feeling anxiety at all, but a cousin like confusion, bewilderment, caution or vulnerability.

Creating an emotional vocabulary can help you deal better with whatever you’re experiencing.

Change Your Environment

Moving to a different space can also help us move to a different emotional state. A change of environment can be a big help, especially if you are sensitive and easily stimulated.

Going outside is the best move you can make. That’s because focusing on vegetation and greenery can help you escape the loop of negative thoughts that you can get trapped in when you’re anxious.

Even walking where there are a few trees and really noticing them can be soothing. In fact, the calming sounds found in nature, and the pockets of deep quiet one finds in the woods, have been found to help lower blood pressure and cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

If you can’t get out, even listening to a tape of nature sounds or looking at pictures of natural escapes can help create calm.

So, there you have it, a raft of things to consider.
